출처 : http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/842278/
- on the target linux box, make sure you have gdbserver. If you don't, get the gdb sources. Note: Making gdb does not build gdbserver. Instead, you have to go into the gdbserver directory and configure/make there.
- Run gdb on the linux box. In the startup banner, it will say what its target is. This will be something like x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu or i686-pc-linux-gnu. Remember this for later.
- Install MinGW on your Windows box (I had trouble building gdb on cygwin, so I recommend MinGW).
- Download expat from http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/files/expat/2.1.0/.Note: Do not download the Windows expat installer. Download the sources instead.
- In the expat directory. "./configure --enable-shared", make, make install.
- Download the gdb sources
- ../gdb-7.4/configure --with-expat --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=i686-pc-mingw32
- make, make install
- Time to test. On your linux box, create and compile hello.cpp to hello.
- On your linux box, gdbserver :4444 hello Note:If you are on a corporate network, non-standard ports may be blocked. Set up an ssh tunnel if necessary.
- Copy hello.cpp and hello to your Windows machine
- From the MinGW prompt, run "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb ./Hello" Note: Substitute the name of the gdb you built as appropriate based on the target platform you got in step 2.
- In gdb, load the executable with "file hello"
- target remote localhost:4444 Note: This assumes that you have an ssh tunnel on localhost. Modify appropriately.
- Verify that gdb commands like break, cont, and run work here.
- Now we want to run it from outside of MinGW. In Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables add something like E:\MinGW\bin to the path. This is necessary for the loader to find libiconv_2.dll, etc. Now verify that you can do the preceding step from an ordinary Windows command prompt.
- Launch Eclipse (finally!). New debug configuration C/C++ attach to process.
- In Main, give path to the copy of the Linux executable on the Windows system.
- In Debugger tab, set Debugger dropdown to gdbserver. Set "GDB debugger" to something like "E:\MinGW\msys\1.0\local\bin\x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb.exe" based on where your gdb is. For Connection, choose TCP and fill in the hostname and port number you've been using from gdb in the previous steps.
- Make sure gdbserver is running (it often quits when the program ends) and launch the debug configuration
- In the gdb console, enter "file hello," "break main," and cont or run (sometimes it wants one. Sometimes the other) and voila, you should be there.